​ Hypnosis, Genes and The “Microsurgery of the Mind”
-Does genes in and of themselves make someone sick?
NO! not necessarily!
-Can WE affect our genes functioning?
-Can WE switch our gens "on" and and "off"?
-YES! Literally, we can switch them on and off!
-Can we change our genes expression?
-Absolutely YES!
-HOW can we do that?
-By changing the "ENVIRONMENT" we put them in?

(our 25 thousand genes were expressed differentially by upstream educated executive centers called "Promoter Regions" that are directly interfacing and communicating with the ENVIRONMENT of the host to regulate the phenotypic expression) Dr. Jeffrey Bland PhD.

A "Promoter Region" are  region of DNA that initiates transcription of a particular gene.

-What is that "ENVIRONMENT"?

​-It is the interaction between our body and the world physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is what we described in the page above titled "
Pillars of Our Approach", which allows the rebalancing of our body's seven core physiological systems: 1-Assimilation (digestion, absorption and microbiology) 2-Defence and repair (immune and inflammatory) 3-Transport (cardiovascular and lymphatic) 4-Communication (hormones and neurotransmitters) 5-Structural integrity (from cell membrane function to musculoskeletal system) 6-Biotransformation and elimination (detoxification) 7-Energ (oxidation-reduction and mitochondropathy)
And Learning through Hypnotherapy can help clients accelerating the process, to the extent of making quantum leaps, of changing their Environment and of making the needed alterations in their neuronal networks. What is the scientific basis on which that works?
Our genes have two functions: The first, the “template function” that allows our genes to replicate, making copies of themselves that are passed from generation to generation. The “Template Function” is believed to be, so far, beyond our control. The second is the “Transcription Function”.  Each cell in our body contains all of our genes, but not all those genes are turned on, or expressed.  When a gene is turned on, it makes a new protein that alters the structure and function of the cell.  This is called the Transcription Function, because when the gene is turned on, information about how to make these proteins is “Transcribed”, or read, from the individual gene.

This Transcription Function is influenced by what we DO , THINK and EAT.

Our genes in and of themselves DON'T change and DON'T create disease, it is only when they are plunged into a harmful
ENVIRONMENT, that is unique to the individual, then they create the outcome of disease.

​Most people assume that our genes shape us; shape our behavior and our brain anatomy and determine our health destiny.
​Epigenetics show that the
environment that WE expose our genes to is what shapes our health destiny.
Neuroscience shows that when we LEARN our mind also affects which genes in our neurons are Transcribed.
Thus we can shape our genes, which in turn shape our brain’s microscopic anatomy, and shapes our total health destiny.

Eric Kandel, psychiatrist and researcher, won Nobel Prize in 2000 for his work demonstrating that “when we form long-term memories, neurons in our brain change their anatomical shape and increase the number of synaptic connections they have to other neurons.
His work was based on his research on a giant snail called Aplysia.  Working with his colleague molecular biologist James Schwartz and geneticists to better understand the individual molecules that are involved in forming long-term memories in the Aplysia.  They showed that in the Aplysia, for short-term memories to become long-term memories, a new protein had to be made in the cell.  The researchers showed that a short-term memory becomes long-term when a chemical in the neuron, called protein Kinase A, moves from the body of the neuron into its nucleus, where genes are stored.  The protein turns on a gene to make a protein that alters the structure of the nerve ending, so that it grows new connections between the neurons. The researchers showed that when a single neuron develops a long-term memory for sensitization, it might go from having 1300 synaptic connections to 2700 synaptic connections!

Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D. assures that the same process occurs in humans.  When we learn, we alter which genes in our neurons are turned on; “expressed.” 
Our memory is involved in the learning process, so, when we learn we change our brain anatomy, and the effect of this change could reach any of our body’s organs and functions.

​Using hypnosis as a tool to get access to our unconscious processes in the mind gives the capable hypnotherapist the opportunity to create new learnings or override old ones, thus affecting us as deeply as our genes' “Transcription Function”.